We support and inspire people globally to take an active role in making healthy life choices for themselves and their families. We do so through partnering with communities and grassroots organizations around the world where we employ people, manufacture products, source materials, and do business.


Since 2019, Columbia has partnered with the National Park Foundation to support their Open Outdoors for Kids program, connecting students with their national parks through field trips, classroom activities, and educational activities.


Women represent around 75% of Columbia's global supply chain workforce and we are proud to help support and empower them through HERproject workplace training and enrichment programs.
Donations to Tough Mother Funder made at the register in Columbia retail stores will be distributed to one of our 2024 nonprofit partners:

    All stores in the U.S.
  • January 1 to March 31: Land Trust Alliance
  • April 30 to December 31: National Park Foundation

  • Stores in Florida
  • January 1 to March 31: Land Trust Alliance
  • April 30 to June 30: National Park Foundation
  • July 1 to December 31: Captains for Clean Water

Donations will be accepted through Dec. 31, 2024.

Program requirements/guidelines

Our grant program self selects our nonprofit partners by working with our employees, retailers, and distributors. We do not accept unsolicited grants or sponsorship requests. Partners must be tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. In order to maintain focus and achieve greater impact of corporate giving, Columbia Sportswear will not provide charitable support for the following:

  • Political organizations/persons
  • Religious organizations for religious purposes
  • Organizations that discriminate against race, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disabilities, and sexual preference.
  • Third-party distributors
  • Individuals
  • Individual study, research, or travel grants
  • Capital campaigns

Questions or requests

Please direct any questions or requests for information to our Community Relations Department.


We invest in programs that improve the lives of women, who represent approximately 75% of the people who work in our finished goods manufacturing partner facilities. We have partnered with BSR to empower women and men in our supply chain through the workplace training program HERproject, which applies a train-the-trainer approach, encouraging participants to learn, employ their skills, and share their expertise in training programs focused on women’s health, financial literacy, and gender equality. We’ve implemented HERproject™ at our finished goods suppliers in Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, and Bangladesh, with more programs to come. Learn more about our impact here.


Every Columbia full-time employee is awarded 16 paid volunteer hours per year, for volunteer activities. Additionally, our corporate matching program allows us to match our full-time employee's investments in their communities, up to $1,000/year per employee. Our volunteer and community investment policies empower employees to provide meaningful support to their communities.


Columbia is a member of the Skin Cancer Foundation’s Corporate Council and supports their lifesaving work. Skin Cancer Foundation is dedicated to educating the public on the relationship between sun damage and skin cancer and the importance of using sun protection as a means of skin cancer prevention. More than 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day in the U.S.

Whether you are hiking a sunny trail or out fishing in the ocean, a new study suggests UV apparel is the way to go. Columbia’s OMNISHADE fabric receives the Seal of Recommendation from SCF for meeting the requirements of safe and effective UV protection. Check out Columbia’s wide-ranging collection of OMNI-SHADE products.